Former acting Managing Director of the
Niger Delta Development Commission,NDDC,
Pastor Power Ziakede Aginighan, had
opined that the Nigerian Governors Forum,
NGF, has outlived its usefulness and should
enter into voluntary liquidation.
Aginghan, the immediate past Executive
Director, Finance and Administration of the
NDDC and a former governorship aspirant
in Delta State, gave this reaction in a
statement at the weekend entitled, ‘One
Governors Forum, Two Chairmen; The
Needless Distraction’.
According to him, the brouhaha over the
chairmanship election of the NGF had
brought to the fore “some of the
aberrations in the Nigerian polity.”
“Instead of being servants of the people
for whom they should have some regard,
governors in Nigeria have become very
powerful that they conduct themselves as
Feudal Lords over the commonwealth of
Nigerians entrusted to them in their
respective states,” he said.
Speaking further, he noted that the
National Economic Council and council of
state were enough constitutional bodies
for the Governors to engage the president
if need be, and not forming another body.
“The lofty idea of having a Governors
Forum reportedly copied from the United
States of America as a forum for peer
review has unfortunately metamorphosed
into a platform for very intense influence
politics amongst our Governors with the
attendant waste of resources needed to
provide better living conditions for
“Instead of sitting down at the various
state capitals to take strategic leadership
decisions, our Governors now criss-cross
the Nation with retinue of aides attending
meeting of one Governors Forum or the
Continuing, “As long as men get elected
into positions in Nigeria because of very
deep pocket, ‘godfatherism’ or ‘power
connection’ and not through the wish of
the electorate expressed through the ballot,
the spectre of very powerful elected
officials who get away anything they do
will remain with us.
He lamented that “Ordinarily, one would
have expected the various Houses of
Assembly to call their Governors to order,
but how can they do so when it is well
known that most State legislators got
elected at the behest of their Governors.’
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