The quest to know more about the person of Nigeria’s president-elect, General Mohammadu Buhari, retired, prompted the need to search for someone in Daura, home country of Buhari in Katsina State. Luckily, the name of the Senator-elect, Engr. Mustapha Bukar representing Katsina North popped up. The unscheduled visit to his house in Daura last Saturday produced the outcome below.
By Levinus Nwabughiogu
How would you describe your victory at the polls?
Satisfied. In the first place, I am a retired civil servant. I worked for 30 years with the state and federal government and retired from the Federal Ministry of Works as Director of Procurement. I have also worked extensively in the water sector.
I am saying this because it was partly what I did for the people
while in service, especially in the water sector, that developed the
relationship with my people. When I retired, I was under serious
pressure to join party politics especially by those people who knew me
to be with General Mohammadu Buhari since my childhood and we have
always supported him.
So, when I retired, I was virtually conscripted into politics, even though I was then a district head. I accepted that call and went into politics and joined APC right from its formation. Of course. I have gone to the people. I have always been a grassroots man and so, when the General was asking everybody to go back to the people, I did and convinced them to vote for me because I believe that while I was retired, I was not tired. I was affected by this eight tenure thing and so, I still feel strong enough to serve them. That explains why I was able to get the primaries and when it came to the final election, I was also able to defeat the PDP candidate.
People believe that many of you won this election because of the imposing figure of General Buhari. Does that make sense to you?
To some extent, that is true. We stand for what he stands for. Therefore, it is not surprising that in many locations especially in the north, that when somebody wins a seat you can see clearly that he has some of Gen. Buhari’s followership.
I know certainly that we have worked very hard by visiting all the 128 wards in my zone, visited all the villages and delivered the message of Gen. Mubammadu Buhari. We were all amazed that in any village you go, even the smallest child will tell you “sai Buhari”.
That shows that Buhari has been a phenomenon from 2003 to 2015. I think this is somebody that has built democracy for Nigerians. Without Gen. Buhari coming into politics, I think that Nigeria would have been a one party state a long time ago. I believe that phenomenon is true. We won all the senatorial and House of Representatives seats in Katsina state and that is not surprising because this is his home state.
You remarked that without Buhari, Nigeria would have become a one party state. But have you noticed the gale of defections to APC presently since he won the presidential election? Isn’t that taking the nation to one party status?
It is a very interesting phenomenon. We don’t know yet, but we have seen that he has been to the court three times and stayed for several months there trying to defend democracy. People didn’t understand why Buhari would go to court during those years.
He went to court so that history would judge what his contributions are to Nigeria’s developing democracy. It is only in Nigeria that you have this type of Presidential system of government being practiced outside America. In fact we have broadened it and modified some aspects of it. All the same, Nigeria is the only country that is practicing that. Buhari is disciplined and this is known to everybody. I don’t think that he will be so hard on the opposition.
There is the fear by those coming into APC that since they have been there making sure that Buhari does not come to power, since he is now coming to power, they had better join the train so that they don’t get sanctioned. But eventually, I think they will come to realise that if they are not part of the change train, if they are not part of the progressive people they are supposed to be, if they are not part of the ideals and value of Gen. Buhari, they may eventually have to leave the party again. Unless they decide to change and if they change and things go on well, I don’t think others will just abandon the ship. Other parties can come up.
I don’t think that under his leadership, Nigeria will turn into a one party state, if you look at when he was going to court, I don’t think that any other person would have sustained that tempo. The PDP government would have tried to find one fault or the other to frustrate all the efforts. I think we will build a very strong opposition because it is important that in democracy, we also have the opposition. It is unfortunate that in Nigeria, many people think that when you are in the opposition, you are just out there in the cold. The opposition is also very important,
People feel that Buhari’s corruption stance has distinguished him from others. Do you share in this?
His credentials speak for themselves and so, I don’t think that it is necessary to continue to hammer on that. He has said it many times and everybody knows the positions he has held in this country. He told the world at the National Convention where he emerged as candidate that he has no money and it was based on his ideals that he was able to get the ticket of APC. So, the issue of corruption is real and everybody knows that in Nigeria, most of the institutions are not working. They are not working because the system that is supposed to be in place to make them work is not being respected.
Many also believe that president-elect is rigid and not friendly and that he does not listen to people. How true can that be?
I believe that you have associated with him. Two weeks ago, you were in his house. He is a very friendly person and if you don’t come close to him, you will think that he is not friendly. But people think that you can be friends with people by giving them money or asking them to do something that is wrong. When he declines, somebody will think that he is not friendly. General Buhari is a very friendly person.
One thing I like about him is that each time we talk, there are always a lot of jokes that will make you laugh and relax and make you understand that he is listening and taking your advice. You may say that he does not give you the answer immediately, but that is because he digests whatever you give him. He does not just take things the way you think because anybody coming to a senior person like him would have thought through what he wants and if the outcome is not what he is looking for, then be thinks the man is not friendly. I think he is a very friendly person.
As the next president of Nigeria, what areas of development would you want him to concentrate?
I think that he will perform very well. I know that there have been a lot of expectations from across the country because of the situation we found ourselves over the years. That, to me, has been because of lack of consistent policies. If you ask anybody where we are going, you will find it difficult to say in any sector this is the policy on transportation, this is the policy on water, this is the policy on energy.
If that policy is there, perhaps it was written by the civil servants. In a democratic setting, I think we made a mistake. When democracy came in 1999, the experience that the civil servants had was that of a parliamentary system of government and we started with the Presidential system of government in 1999. So, the civil service setting had always been that of parliamentary system, while the government is presidential system. That anomaly has to be addressed. We have learnt how the executive is supposed to perform in the last 16 years, how the legislature is supposed to perform, and how the judiciary should perform.
Once these three institutions are able to take on their responsibilities, you will see that the performance of government will improve because the institutional setting will definitely improve, delivering mechanism for whatever programmes the government has. We expect to bring these challenges to the table so that they could be discussed. The programmes that General has been mentioning are three. The first thing he mentioned is security.
Nigeria needs to be secured first because without security, you cannot have development. Once the security issue is addressed and I believe that being a retired General and former Head of State, he has the discipline and knowledge to get over this problem of insecurity which has been caused by several reasons. My understanding of it is that it has been caused by lack of intelligence. If you have intelligence; what happened in Nasarawa where some police men were sent in and they got killed would not have happened. I believe that once security is handled, every other thing will follow.
The second thing is the issue of employment. Nigeria is a very young society with a lot of young men and women who are qualified, but no jobs. We now have an economy that is based on importation of almost everything that we use in this country. To me, that is not development, but allowing other countries to develop at our expense. In the past, I know that whatever you find in Nigeria was made in Japan and at the end of the day, everybody was looking for Japanese products. But now, everything is made in China and we import everything including toothpicks.
As the Senator representing the President-elect, there would
be pressure on you both at home and outside. How do you intend to cope?
Like I said, the General is somebody that is very friendly and I think that being his senator, we have to accept the fact that I have been with him for a long time and he is not likely to change. We are certainly going to have his ears and we will tell him what others may not be in a position to tell him even when they have had the chance to tell him. We are ready for that and we accept it wholeheartedly and we hope that we will get the right criticism that is needed for democracy to work and for General to perform. Just think about your house and everything you wear. Are they made in Nigeria? There is nothing made in Nigeria that we use everyday.
So, for the country to develop I think we have to start looking inward. But with globalization, we also have to look at integration. So, we must find areas of our strength, areas that we think that we have economic advantage and develop further and that is where our teeming population can move and do something. The third thing he mentioned is tackling corruption.
If we can address that issue in Nigeria, we will stop all those leakages which have not allowed money to come in. If you look at the budget of any state or the federal government, it is mostly recurrent. There is nothing like capital. Even where there is recurrent, the budgetary system that we have is so bad that you don’t get money flowing into Projects. For instance, you have a budget running into several trillions. The projects there may not appear in the budget of the following year. If I have a water project and the money does not come to complete the project, it will always end up as abandoned project and that is why we have a lot of uncompleted projects. These are things that we believe if we look at them, they can work out. There are so many brilliant Nigerians that are willing to assist the incoming government to bring about that change to Nigeria.
Former President Obasanjo and former Speaker, Dimeji Bankole once alleged that civil servants are even more corrupt than politicians. As a retired Director, how would you react to this?
It is always easy to accuse the civil servants. But we must remember that as a civil servant or even as Director, if you point out what needs to be done, you will be over ruled by the political class because you are not the Chief Executive. So, tell me who is corrupt? Before you can steal, I know that you must have a willing civil servant to work with. But the point is that whether that guy is willing or not willing, it is the master that determines what happens at the end of the day. So, I think we have to tell ourselves the truth. If we want this thing to work, there are financial rules and regulations that we should follow.
Those people you mentioned established the ICPC, EFCC and the rest of them. Why are these things not working? Whatever you have, there has to be the political will to get things moving. I believe we will get it from General Muhammadu Buhari. If the leadership has political will, everybody will fall into line. You remember when we had War Against Indiscipline, WAI, people were willing to line up. If the leadership of the country is ready to fight corruption, it can be fought. I have seen many civil servants that have been retired because they did things that are not palatable to the Minister and at the end of the day, they are put in the cold and nobody cared.
You are going to the senate. How well are you abreast with the workings of the senate and in what area do you intend to improve upon?
I may not know the rules of the senate because they keep changing. But certainly, the time we have to go there, we will have to learn the rules. Otherwise, whatever activities are happening at the National Assembly, I have tried to acquaint myself with them in the last four years. But what is important is what my people want when I get there and not what I want. I am representing 12 local government areas. What do they want me to bring to them from the senate? What do they really want in terms of economic and social development? I don’t want to make the mistake of thinking that what I want is what my people want.
Most Nigerians believe that the cost of governance is too high and your party tends to agree with the idea of reducing the cost of governance. Would you support the cutting of allowances of government officials especially legislators to make way for funds for developmental projects?
It is not the issue of allowances. I know that for several years, the government has been trying to find a way to devolve power. If you concentrate power too much on one location, then you end up with corruption. Due process was brought in to checkmate some of the things you are talking about. But when you concentrate power in one hand, it brings bottleneck.
So, the waste that happens is not necessarily because of the allowances. I think several attempts have been made to streamline the organisations of the federal government because there is a lot of overlap and when you have overlap of functions, you end up just spending money with people just taking salaries. That is why I said that if you look at the budget, you find out that recurrent is always more than the capital because there are too many organisations that need to be streamlined. You have to look at the functionalities and not necessarily because I want t give people jobs.
We have a lot of resources that have also been kept idle. Look at the pension funds. These are funds that can be used for infrastructural development if you have the right environment. The ICRC is there, but it needs to have the right law that will guide how this is done and we need to have the right policies. What is happening in this country is that we still have to develop the policies that we want in all the sectors.
For example, in the highway sector, Nigeria is supposed to have a road reform programme that will enable us have green field projects, that would allow us have roads that are motorable. We need to allow this system that will allow the contractors to bid for a road project in an open qualitative bid, to execute the contract and you give him seven years. He will complete the road in three years and maintain the road for the next four years and you pay him according to the service level. That would have an entry point for private participation in the way we run our road network. Now, every year, after the rains, you find that the same road you repaired the previous year is in a bad shape again and you continue repairing them.
But before you go into all this, you must have a road policy. What is the road policy of Nigeria? What is the tariff regime? What I am saying is that you need to have the right policy and the right strategy to implement these policies and a means to monitor those policies. That is why you have the public accounts committee at the National Assembly because if you allocate resources to any programme, it is the responsibility of the National Assembly to find out how the work is done. That is why the job is given to a person who is not from the party with the majority, but somebody from the opposition.
So, it all depends on the political will to implement all these things. So, for the allowance, where it is seen as a distortion should be cut, but to me, what is important is the cost of governance. If a governor is traveling, you find him with about ten vehicles. What are they meant for? Most of the security personnel that are supposed to be with the people are now with the big men. That is why the cost of governance is becoming too much and the productivity is low. You go to the ministry both at the state and local government level, nobody is working. They don’t even go to the office because they have nothing to do.
Civil servants are supposed to be moving files, but nobody is moving files anymore, because even the files are not there anymore. The local government chairman only comes to the office once when the money is there. At the state level, nobody does anything except the governor. When I was General Manager of the Water Board, I was getting my money directly and did not have to rely on the governor. I was doing what I wanted to do. But now, the General Manager or even the Commissioner has no power because all that has been usurped by the governor. To me, that is the area we need to look at before we can get things running. People have responsibility and they must be held accountable for it.
The River Basins are things that would have allowed Nigeria to be self sufficient in food production and manage our water resources the way it is supposed to be managed. But we end up doing boreholes. What business has the federal government with sinking boreholes? I was Director in charge of water supply and quality control in the country and that was one of the problems that we had. Boreholes should be left for local government or at most, state governments. The federal government can just intervene and not going about sinking boreholes that you cannot maintain. We use to have cities in Nigeria that had 24 hours water supply, but today, you can’t even find any. I know there is population explosion, but I also know that those systems that were there are no longer functioning.
The quest to know more about the person of Nigeria’s president-elect, General Mohammadu Buhari, retired, prompted the need to search for someone in Daura, home country of Buhari in Katsina State. Luckily, the name of the Senator-elect, Engr. Mustapha Bukar representing Katsina North popped up. The unscheduled visit to his house in Daura last Saturday produced the outcome below.
By Levinus Nwabughiogu
How would you describe your victory at the polls?
Satisfied. In the first place, I am a retired civil servant. I worked for 30 years with the state and federal government and retired from the Federal Ministry of Works as Director of Procurement. I have also worked extensively in the water sector.
Bukar, Senator-elect
So, when I retired, I was virtually conscripted into politics, even though I was then a district head. I accepted that call and went into politics and joined APC right from its formation. Of course. I have gone to the people. I have always been a grassroots man and so, when the General was asking everybody to go back to the people, I did and convinced them to vote for me because I believe that while I was retired, I was not tired. I was affected by this eight tenure thing and so, I still feel strong enough to serve them. That explains why I was able to get the primaries and when it came to the final election, I was also able to defeat the PDP candidate.
People believe that many of you won this election because of the imposing figure of General Buhari. Does that make sense to you?
To some extent, that is true. We stand for what he stands for. Therefore, it is not surprising that in many locations especially in the north, that when somebody wins a seat you can see clearly that he has some of Gen. Buhari’s followership.
I know certainly that we have worked very hard by visiting all the 128 wards in my zone, visited all the villages and delivered the message of Gen. Mubammadu Buhari. We were all amazed that in any village you go, even the smallest child will tell you “sai Buhari”.
That shows that Buhari has been a phenomenon from 2003 to 2015. I think this is somebody that has built democracy for Nigerians. Without Gen. Buhari coming into politics, I think that Nigeria would have been a one party state a long time ago. I believe that phenomenon is true. We won all the senatorial and House of Representatives seats in Katsina state and that is not surprising because this is his home state.
You remarked that without Buhari, Nigeria would have become a one party state. But have you noticed the gale of defections to APC presently since he won the presidential election? Isn’t that taking the nation to one party status?
It is a very interesting phenomenon. We don’t know yet, but we have seen that he has been to the court three times and stayed for several months there trying to defend democracy. People didn’t understand why Buhari would go to court during those years.
He went to court so that history would judge what his contributions are to Nigeria’s developing democracy. It is only in Nigeria that you have this type of Presidential system of government being practiced outside America. In fact we have broadened it and modified some aspects of it. All the same, Nigeria is the only country that is practicing that. Buhari is disciplined and this is known to everybody. I don’t think that he will be so hard on the opposition.
There is the fear by those coming into APC that since they have been there making sure that Buhari does not come to power, since he is now coming to power, they had better join the train so that they don’t get sanctioned. But eventually, I think they will come to realise that if they are not part of the change train, if they are not part of the progressive people they are supposed to be, if they are not part of the ideals and value of Gen. Buhari, they may eventually have to leave the party again. Unless they decide to change and if they change and things go on well, I don’t think others will just abandon the ship. Other parties can come up.
I don’t think that under his leadership, Nigeria will turn into a one party state, if you look at when he was going to court, I don’t think that any other person would have sustained that tempo. The PDP government would have tried to find one fault or the other to frustrate all the efforts. I think we will build a very strong opposition because it is important that in democracy, we also have the opposition. It is unfortunate that in Nigeria, many people think that when you are in the opposition, you are just out there in the cold. The opposition is also very important,
People feel that Buhari’s corruption stance has distinguished him from others. Do you share in this?
His credentials speak for themselves and so, I don’t think that it is necessary to continue to hammer on that. He has said it many times and everybody knows the positions he has held in this country. He told the world at the National Convention where he emerged as candidate that he has no money and it was based on his ideals that he was able to get the ticket of APC. So, the issue of corruption is real and everybody knows that in Nigeria, most of the institutions are not working. They are not working because the system that is supposed to be in place to make them work is not being respected.
Many also believe that president-elect is rigid and not friendly and that he does not listen to people. How true can that be?
I believe that you have associated with him. Two weeks ago, you were in his house. He is a very friendly person and if you don’t come close to him, you will think that he is not friendly. But people think that you can be friends with people by giving them money or asking them to do something that is wrong. When he declines, somebody will think that he is not friendly. General Buhari is a very friendly person.
One thing I like about him is that each time we talk, there are always a lot of jokes that will make you laugh and relax and make you understand that he is listening and taking your advice. You may say that he does not give you the answer immediately, but that is because he digests whatever you give him. He does not just take things the way you think because anybody coming to a senior person like him would have thought through what he wants and if the outcome is not what he is looking for, then be thinks the man is not friendly. I think he is a very friendly person.
As the next president of Nigeria, what areas of development would you want him to concentrate?
I think that he will perform very well. I know that there have been a lot of expectations from across the country because of the situation we found ourselves over the years. That, to me, has been because of lack of consistent policies. If you ask anybody where we are going, you will find it difficult to say in any sector this is the policy on transportation, this is the policy on water, this is the policy on energy.
If that policy is there, perhaps it was written by the civil servants. In a democratic setting, I think we made a mistake. When democracy came in 1999, the experience that the civil servants had was that of a parliamentary system of government and we started with the Presidential system of government in 1999. So, the civil service setting had always been that of parliamentary system, while the government is presidential system. That anomaly has to be addressed. We have learnt how the executive is supposed to perform in the last 16 years, how the legislature is supposed to perform, and how the judiciary should perform.
Once these three institutions are able to take on their responsibilities, you will see that the performance of government will improve because the institutional setting will definitely improve, delivering mechanism for whatever programmes the government has. We expect to bring these challenges to the table so that they could be discussed. The programmes that General has been mentioning are three. The first thing he mentioned is security.
Nigeria needs to be secured first because without security, you cannot have development. Once the security issue is addressed and I believe that being a retired General and former Head of State, he has the discipline and knowledge to get over this problem of insecurity which has been caused by several reasons. My understanding of it is that it has been caused by lack of intelligence. If you have intelligence; what happened in Nasarawa where some police men were sent in and they got killed would not have happened. I believe that once security is handled, every other thing will follow.
The second thing is the issue of employment. Nigeria is a very young society with a lot of young men and women who are qualified, but no jobs. We now have an economy that is based on importation of almost everything that we use in this country. To me, that is not development, but allowing other countries to develop at our expense. In the past, I know that whatever you find in Nigeria was made in Japan and at the end of the day, everybody was looking for Japanese products. But now, everything is made in China and we import everything including toothpicks.
Bukar, Senator-elect
Like I said, the General is somebody that is very friendly and I think that being his senator, we have to accept the fact that I have been with him for a long time and he is not likely to change. We are certainly going to have his ears and we will tell him what others may not be in a position to tell him even when they have had the chance to tell him. We are ready for that and we accept it wholeheartedly and we hope that we will get the right criticism that is needed for democracy to work and for General to perform. Just think about your house and everything you wear. Are they made in Nigeria? There is nothing made in Nigeria that we use everyday.
So, for the country to develop I think we have to start looking inward. But with globalization, we also have to look at integration. So, we must find areas of our strength, areas that we think that we have economic advantage and develop further and that is where our teeming population can move and do something. The third thing he mentioned is tackling corruption.
If we can address that issue in Nigeria, we will stop all those leakages which have not allowed money to come in. If you look at the budget of any state or the federal government, it is mostly recurrent. There is nothing like capital. Even where there is recurrent, the budgetary system that we have is so bad that you don’t get money flowing into Projects. For instance, you have a budget running into several trillions. The projects there may not appear in the budget of the following year. If I have a water project and the money does not come to complete the project, it will always end up as abandoned project and that is why we have a lot of uncompleted projects. These are things that we believe if we look at them, they can work out. There are so many brilliant Nigerians that are willing to assist the incoming government to bring about that change to Nigeria.
Former President Obasanjo and former Speaker, Dimeji Bankole once alleged that civil servants are even more corrupt than politicians. As a retired Director, how would you react to this?
It is always easy to accuse the civil servants. But we must remember that as a civil servant or even as Director, if you point out what needs to be done, you will be over ruled by the political class because you are not the Chief Executive. So, tell me who is corrupt? Before you can steal, I know that you must have a willing civil servant to work with. But the point is that whether that guy is willing or not willing, it is the master that determines what happens at the end of the day. So, I think we have to tell ourselves the truth. If we want this thing to work, there are financial rules and regulations that we should follow.
Those people you mentioned established the ICPC, EFCC and the rest of them. Why are these things not working? Whatever you have, there has to be the political will to get things moving. I believe we will get it from General Muhammadu Buhari. If the leadership has political will, everybody will fall into line. You remember when we had War Against Indiscipline, WAI, people were willing to line up. If the leadership of the country is ready to fight corruption, it can be fought. I have seen many civil servants that have been retired because they did things that are not palatable to the Minister and at the end of the day, they are put in the cold and nobody cared.
You are going to the senate. How well are you abreast with the workings of the senate and in what area do you intend to improve upon?
I may not know the rules of the senate because they keep changing. But certainly, the time we have to go there, we will have to learn the rules. Otherwise, whatever activities are happening at the National Assembly, I have tried to acquaint myself with them in the last four years. But what is important is what my people want when I get there and not what I want. I am representing 12 local government areas. What do they want me to bring to them from the senate? What do they really want in terms of economic and social development? I don’t want to make the mistake of thinking that what I want is what my people want.
Most Nigerians believe that the cost of governance is too high and your party tends to agree with the idea of reducing the cost of governance. Would you support the cutting of allowances of government officials especially legislators to make way for funds for developmental projects?
It is not the issue of allowances. I know that for several years, the government has been trying to find a way to devolve power. If you concentrate power too much on one location, then you end up with corruption. Due process was brought in to checkmate some of the things you are talking about. But when you concentrate power in one hand, it brings bottleneck.
So, the waste that happens is not necessarily because of the allowances. I think several attempts have been made to streamline the organisations of the federal government because there is a lot of overlap and when you have overlap of functions, you end up just spending money with people just taking salaries. That is why I said that if you look at the budget, you find out that recurrent is always more than the capital because there are too many organisations that need to be streamlined. You have to look at the functionalities and not necessarily because I want t give people jobs.
We have a lot of resources that have also been kept idle. Look at the pension funds. These are funds that can be used for infrastructural development if you have the right environment. The ICRC is there, but it needs to have the right law that will guide how this is done and we need to have the right policies. What is happening in this country is that we still have to develop the policies that we want in all the sectors.
For example, in the highway sector, Nigeria is supposed to have a road reform programme that will enable us have green field projects, that would allow us have roads that are motorable. We need to allow this system that will allow the contractors to bid for a road project in an open qualitative bid, to execute the contract and you give him seven years. He will complete the road in three years and maintain the road for the next four years and you pay him according to the service level. That would have an entry point for private participation in the way we run our road network. Now, every year, after the rains, you find that the same road you repaired the previous year is in a bad shape again and you continue repairing them.
But before you go into all this, you must have a road policy. What is the road policy of Nigeria? What is the tariff regime? What I am saying is that you need to have the right policy and the right strategy to implement these policies and a means to monitor those policies. That is why you have the public accounts committee at the National Assembly because if you allocate resources to any programme, it is the responsibility of the National Assembly to find out how the work is done. That is why the job is given to a person who is not from the party with the majority, but somebody from the opposition.
So, it all depends on the political will to implement all these things. So, for the allowance, where it is seen as a distortion should be cut, but to me, what is important is the cost of governance. If a governor is traveling, you find him with about ten vehicles. What are they meant for? Most of the security personnel that are supposed to be with the people are now with the big men. That is why the cost of governance is becoming too much and the productivity is low. You go to the ministry both at the state and local government level, nobody is working. They don’t even go to the office because they have nothing to do.
Civil servants are supposed to be moving files, but nobody is moving files anymore, because even the files are not there anymore. The local government chairman only comes to the office once when the money is there. At the state level, nobody does anything except the governor. When I was General Manager of the Water Board, I was getting my money directly and did not have to rely on the governor. I was doing what I wanted to do. But now, the General Manager or even the Commissioner has no power because all that has been usurped by the governor. To me, that is the area we need to look at before we can get things running. People have responsibility and they must be held accountable for it.
The River Basins are things that would have allowed Nigeria to be self sufficient in food production and manage our water resources the way it is supposed to be managed. But we end up doing boreholes. What business has the federal government with sinking boreholes? I was Director in charge of water supply and quality control in the country and that was one of the problems that we had. Boreholes should be left for local government or at most, state governments. The federal government can just intervene and not going about sinking boreholes that you cannot maintain. We use to have cities in Nigeria that had 24 hours water supply, but today, you can’t even find any. I know there is population explosion, but I also know that those systems that were there are no longer functioning.
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